Picture of business people planning their quarterly goals

4 Business Check-Ins You Need To Be Doing Each Quarter


Quarterly is a great time to reflect, plan and set goals within your business, but what about simple business check-ins? 


Check-ins are things that often get forgotten about when you’re in the thick of it but can make a huge difference to your business and customer experience.


Quarterly business check-ins to make sure you’re not falling behind 


  1. Are your contact details and opening times up to date on your website and across social media?
  2. When was the last time you refreshed your website or social media descriptions to ensure they are relevant and geared up to what you’re currently focused on?
  3. Are your contracts and legal documents up to date?
  4. Do all of your links work? On your website, social pages, email footer, etc.


These are little things that make a big difference. Add these check-ins to your quarterly planning.


Not sure where to start? Get in touch and we’ll have a chat.